Nick Crofts SIPR.png


Link to summary of Professor Crofts' presentation

The Scottish Institute for Policing Research organised the Scottish International Policing Conference on 4 December 2018, building on the success of the previous International Policing Conferences. Supported by the James Smart Memorial Trust and the Scottish Government, the theme of the 2018 conference was Policing and Public Health, with contributions from the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority, Susan Deacon, and Deputy Chief Constable Fiona Taylor. We were particularly pleased to welcome Professor Nick Crofts AM, who presented the 46th James Smart Memorial Lecture.

Nick Crofts has been a community health physician and infectious diseases epidemiologist who has worked in the field of HIV/AIDS and harm reduction in Australia, Asia and globally on research, policy, advocacy and program implementation for 30 years, work for which he received the International Rolleston Award in 1998.  This work led to an ongoing interest in the police role in the HIV response which has broadened to include all public health issues. He began the international LEPH (Law Enforcement and Public Health) conference series in 2012, out of which has grown the Global LEPH Association. He was awarded the Order of Australia in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 2017. This précis, by Tim Heilbronn, provides a very brief introduction to Professor Crofts’ hour-long presentation.  For a podcast of the complete talk, and other conference outputs, visit:


Link to summary of Professor Crofts' presentation